• Thunderstorms affected the states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha on 6 September. As of 7 September, at least 32 people are reported to have died, of which 23 in Andhra Pradesh.
• Flooding continues in Assam, according to Indian Government reports. Heavy rainfall was observed in the district of Lakhimpur, with 65mm measured over 5-6 September (24h). The State's Disaster Management Authorities report another five deaths on 6 September, raising the death toll to 37, while over 1.7 million people have been affected in 20 districts.
• Over the next 24h, heavy rainfall is expected across southern India, including the state of Andhra Pradesh, while moderate rainfall is forecast for Assam.
• An ECHO assessment mission is taking place in Assam (7-8 September).